My car typically looks like someone’s been living in it. I’m always on the go with school and work, so I spend quite a bit of time commuting in it. I’ve picked up a few items that have helped my car stay clean and make sure I’m always ready.
1. Bath and body works room spray- $7.50
Car fresheners wear out quickly. This room spray will last forever because you only need one spritz for you car to smell good for a few days.
2. A spare pair of earrings- $8
I never feel put together without earrings. It doesn’t even have to be dramatic statement earrings, studs will do the trick. I went to Target and grabbed a pack of fake pearl earrings and keep them in the car for when I forgot to put some in.
3. Spray deodorant- $9
This will save your life. I use to always carry around deodorant in my car, but when I lived in Florida it always melted. Plus, I was always a little weary if it was safe to leave it in a car and use it in emergencies. So i started buying a spray deodorant. No more melting!! Now I can always freshen up!
4. Eclipse gum- $4
My mom use to keep this brand of gum in her cup holder because it comes in the perfect sized packaging. I adopted the method and it’s proven it’s worth after lunch a few times!
5. Wet Ones anti bacterial wipes- $2
My obsession with having these on hand started when my nieces were born. It was convenient to have these in my car when we’d get finished at the park. I then started using them to just clean my dashboard every so often in traffic or at stop lights. They’re only $2 at Target and they are super helpful
Another useful type to help with trash, shopping bags! Anytime I'm at the store, when i'm done with the shopping bag, I leave it sitting in my car. I use to to put trash in, that way when it gets full or i'm at the gas station, I just take it out and throw it in the trash can! Easy cleanup!
*no pictures are my own - all used for educational purpose